Monday, November 30, 2009

Random Bits

Gobble Gobble - Hope Everyone had a Thankful Thanksgiving!

No long winded blog today - but merely a compilation or medley if you will of flotsam and jetsam I've picked up over the past week. (I will forever think of the Lionel Richie Medley we played in 7th Grade band when I hear the word 'medley'. Yes, Lionel Richie.)

- Hot rollers UP! How did I not know this? I consider myself very versed in hair and hair 'dos'. Seriously, I might have to be stripped of my girly girl status. But according to Allure online - to get that tousled look - it's hot rollers - rolled UP!

- Applegate Farms bacon is a YES with the kids and is nitrate free! First nitrate free pork product that passed the test! Yay! I know that the pediatrician wouldn't be thrilled that bacon, oh and sausage (turkey sausage) are the main protein components of my kids diet..

And I just have to shout out locally to my 'boot guy'. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it when you you are pleasantly surprised at the quality of someones workmanship. My beloved Frye boots have new heels and a whole new lease on life. J&J Shoe Repair - Thank You! Job well done!

Lastly, my random observation of the day: It is a bit concerning to be sitting at a stop light only to look over and see that the car next to you is being driven by an elderly gentleman, wearing an oxygen tube. His wife didn't look very thrilled either. I'm just sayin.


1 comment:

  1. I totally knew that about hair rollers. I just didn't want to say anything and embarrass you.
