I love shopping for gifts. Finding the right thing for each person. It's a passion and dare say an art of mine. Not that all my gifts are received with the same joy as they were picked out, but I try.
I'm pretty close to done with the Holiday shopping. I say Holiday because Jeff's family celebrates Chanukah and my family Christmas. This year Chanukah is early - starting on December 1st. So I had to get a move on!
I like to shop locally (and USA produced) when I can. I make a concerted effort. I buy from the toy store and book store downtown. HOWEVER some of the things I need, aren't to be found in my little village. Enter Amazon Prime. Did you know if you sign up for Amazon Prime (free two day shipping on any product that is fulfilled by Amazon) and cancel after 30 days - there is no annual fee? AND that if you're a new Mom they have Amazon Mom - free for 3 months. Let's just say Santa delivered his gifts in two days in some Amazon boxes. Done and done. All while sipping coffee at my computer. Love it!
Next up for my local peeps. Cotton Caboodle Outlet. I've long raved about this little gem of a store. 100% cotton clothing for kids and women. Most everything is under $15. I saw the same shirt that I got there for $15 at my friend's boutique for $50. FIFTY?!! So today I dropped in quickly to grab a specific shirt to go under my planned Thanksgiving ensemble - and what did I find, but some FANTASTIC fun cotton scarfs that screamed 'teacher gifts!' for $12. In regular retail stores they are $27. Mark those babies off the list!
XBox - Kinect Combo pack. 250gb (like I know what this means..)but on Amazon it was priced at $448 - hello Costco for $389! (Online looks like it was priced at $399). Yes this means I'm not getting that purse I'm drooling over - and my husband gets to skip getting 2 sweaters and a button down like every other year. Hopefully the kids will enjoy it and I'll embrace electronics. Website says they're sold out - but maybe they have more coming?! No you can't have mine!
So after you check off those lists - for me it means wrapping and shipping. I never can go wrong with my local UPS guy. I've actually had good luck in general with UPS - but the owner/manager? of my particular location is a superstar. Always SUPER nice. Most everytime I've had a coupon, or gotten a punch card discount. He doesn't get irritated when I can't remember the zip code to Brooklyn NY. And my packages always get there in one piece and on time. (Although I did have to ask him not to use peanuts...). If you're in my hood - give him a whirl! And unlike the post office, they'll tape up your boxes for you - NO extra charge!
Okay friends - do share - what are your favorite finds this season?!