Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Always a "Mom"

I imagine being a Mom out in the world of kids is like how Doctors on airplanes feel in emergency situations. You can't escape your instinct or your training.

Today for instance. As I dropped my daughter at Kindergarten, we walked with one of her classmates. Who had a huge snot oozing out of her nose. But clearly, she was not bothered by the feeling of it sliding down her face. I myself had to swallow to keep down my egg sandwich. That was intensified 10 fold while as I waited with them until the morning aid made her rounds, I see this child playing with snot strands and them sticking them in her mouth. I kind of just threw up a little while writing that. Your own kid's snot is one thing (and something that's still not my favorite) but another childs? Eeeww!! I had to take action - grabbed a napkin out of my daughter's backpack and wiped the child's nose. Seriously. I'm a Mom. I couldn't help it. Of course then I have this disgusting napkin in my possession and cannot find a garbage can.. but it was my duty.

Just as it's my instinctual duty to walk on the outside of the sidewalk on our night walks with my other Mom friend because I have the reflective jacket. Or do to the arm seat belt/train crossing barrier when anyone begins to cross a road and I think a car is not paying attention. Same as it is when you hold a baby and fall into that hip bounce thing. And I will even admit, the same as it is when you give evil death glare stare down to the ill behaving 7 year old stranger at the playground. Or when you quickly offer up the airline blanket (that for the record I never touch with a 10 foot pole) to the Mom with child who is clearly going to hoark while desperately waiting for the bathroom.

You can't escape the instinct.

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