Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I Do NOT Speak MonosyllabicGruntus

If Italian is the language of lovers, small child MonosyllabicGruntus is the language of seriously frustrated, most likely harpy Mothers. Seriously. Is it just our family? Please tell me that I'm not alone in this.

While I am quite clear on the fact that my 5 y.o. and I do not have the same communication style, nothing puts me from everything is hunky dory to fire level red faster than the grunts.

Me (Happy Upbeat Voice): "Okay! Everyone find their shoes, it's time to go to school!" "Kate where are your socks?"

Kate: "hmphff" (then disappears - sobbing to be heard from the living room - then reappears still without socks.)

Me (trying to be positive): Hi - okay, socks? Please go get them.

Kate: "mmgh" Again with the running and sobbing.

WHAT IS THE MATTER!! Seriously - there is nothing that has happened between teeth brushing and putting on socks and shoes that I can tell would have been an affront to her person. Clearly she is upset. I don't know why and I'm sure as heck not going to ask.... if she's just going to grunt. Even if I did ask, it would just get a grunt. I can't take it!

I think next up is to find a Psych class for dealing with small children, because clearly whatever I learned in Psych 101 - 15 ahem.. or so years ago did not stick.

I'm all ears - let's hear it. Suggestions anyone??

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