Friday, November 5, 2010

What's a better way of saying 'Ball-less'?

This one's going to be lengthy so buckle in.

I had a hard time titling this -but the anger is still fresh, so I'm not at my most eloquent.

Last night after having a whirlwind two days of working on a project with my friend (thanks Jefe for holding down the fort), I went through the mail only to find that someone had 'anonymously' sent my husband a pamphlet from Alcoholics Anonymous. It read something like 'Does your loved one struggle with alcohol dependency..' and so on.

At first I was puzzled and a little dismissive, until some investigation led to the fact that AA does not send out pamphlets unprompted. Someone had to send or ask for it to be sent. WTF.

I feel like I've been kicked in the throat. Seriously. I'm taking this PERSONALLY - and have gone through those stages of grief or acceptance or what not.. but I'm not yet to the laugh about it stage.

First of, yes, it's a given that I enjoy cocktails. Initially I wanted to defend myself, but I don't feel it necessary at this point. Marriage is a partnership and my rarely imbibing husband does not feel that my enjoyment of wine and spirits warrants any AA intervention. And while I have a very loud and direct personality, he is not fooled, nor scared of me and would set me straight.

Second of all - Of course I reflected back to the past couple of weeks just to see if there was anything in there that should alarm someone to the point of anonymous mail. I see a woman who quit her fantastic job to be more available to her family. One who still works very hard at her paying job along with volunteering in her kid's schools, signing up to bring treats and teacher appreciation salads. The one who was up late cutting out the pieces for her daughter's entire class to make 'Spider Hats' with. The one who tries really hard to make her guests feel welcome, and buys their favorite breakfast items and makes sure their sheets and towels are fresh and taken care of. The one who makes meals and does dishes for her family most every night of the week. The one who folds clothes and reads bedtimes stories and talks about what happened at school. The one who tries to make date night a priority for she and her husband. Who makes time to work out so I'll still be the wife someone wants to be seen with. The one who gets a big middle finger in the form of an anonymous pamphlet in the mail. How's that for a thank you?

Yes, I'm angry and extremely hurt (and curious as to how a true alcoholic would be able to pull together all the things that I have to do on a regular day while trashed.) As my8 years clean housekeeping lady said as I headed out the door for 6 miles - 'alcoholics don't run'. She would know.

So I say this out loud to anonymous worried person. Find some balls. Find a voice. Be direct. If you have TRUE concerns for my husband or my family (albeit misdirected) find some character and address it head on like an respectable adult should do.

Tonight I'm going to enjoy a glass of wine with my husband and silently toast all my sisters in arms who work their arses off for their families - and enjoy a glass of wine at the end of that never ending work day. Cheers.


  1. You've got to be kidding me. WTF is right!! I'm sorry Kimmie--that is just wild. I will also pour a glass for you tonight. An EXTRA tall glass.

  2. Thanks sister. I appreciate it. It's crazy. It was hand written, but no post date etc.. I'm letting it go. Almost. Hah hah.

  3. How offensive! Passive aggressive much? If you ever find out who the culprit is, let me know, and I will send herpes pamphlets to their loved one.
