There are a lot of things I could fill in the blank with...but today it's going to be this: If I don't enjoy being the parent on a field trip?
I'm too much of a control freak/worrier to let my child go under the supervision of a parent I don't know (I'm talking 4 year olds here).. so that means I go on all of them.
It's just so tiresome and eek, will I be stoned, if I say - annoying? You have to meet at the school and get the car seats and the snacks and the release forms etc..
Then you have to drive there. Find parking, walk blocks and through parking lots and hope you don't have a darter with you.
And then wait to go in. And kids have to go the bathroom and so do you. So you try to figure out the best way to help kids you don't know go to the bathroom and make sure you're not invading their privacy, and that they wash their hands and don't run off as you race to pee in the stall next them.
Then there's the play. Some are cute, some are annoying and I spend the entire time wondering what the actor's personal life is like. Do they have kids? Do they drink wine on Fridays? Are they those dramatic actor friends you like having come to your parties? Oh and I also spend the time telling small children to not stand up and to quit picking their noses. Today I had to stare down some beefy 5? 6? year old sitting in front of us that I wanted to just kick in the head. I did stare him down at one point. He was ballsy and stared me down back. Grr... I had to tell him to keep his hands to his own body please, as he stretched out purposely and was touching me and the kids with me. Like I said, wanted to toe him in the head. But of course I did NOT.
All the while I'm not 'enjoying the moment' as I probably should be, although I did spend a few minutes looking at the big smiles on my daughter's face as she laughed at the antics of a grown man dressed as a dog. Baby steps.
What I wanted was a big fat latte and to be able to cross stuff off my to do list.
I'm thinking I'm probably not a front runner for Mom of the year.
Next week: field trip for a ferry ride! Weeee!